When Manufactures are considering the change to machine monitoring there can be hesitancy. This is understandable, moving away from hand recorded information to automated real-time data, requires a change and adjustment for everyone.
The most important aspect of gathering real-time data is creating a complete picture of your production operations. For this, monitoring 1 machine during a trial does not work. We've seen this fail as it it only created more questions than answers and fueled those resistant to change. It's important to adequately take advantage of a trial opportunity and get the full experience the technology has to offer. Trials of machine monitoring run this way have never failed to produce eye-opening information immediately. Keep It Simple, Take Advantage of Machine Tracking Trials
Trial Machine Monitoring with at least 40% of your core production equipment
Engage in the data to look for opportunities to improve
Embrace the change away from burdensome manual data entry
Real-time information saves time